Monday, June 22, 2009

Killing time while working on the DL

A few weeks ago my new business cards arrived in the mail. That is probably not exciting to many people but to me it is. It is not the first time my name has been on a business card, but it is the first time I designed the whole shebang.

Sticking with my usual colors, the Silhouette Graphic theme and my personality, they are bright red and black. I designed them in Photoshop, printed them with I am happy with the quality of the stock and the colors.

I try to keep my photoshop skills tuned up by going through cool tutorials online several times a week, just to see if there is a new trick or technique I can learn. Plus, its quick, easy and fun. The other day I made a quick wallpaper. Nothing fancy. Hopefully soon I will have a gallery up on here to showcase more of the things I have put together. Until then, you can see most of my digital work at

I'm still working on the major magazine project. It has pretty much been full time for me for the past two weeks. Problem is, I'm still not allowed to talk about it. It is nothing juicy for the government so don't get your hopes up. The people involved just want to keep it under wraps until they have all their bases covered. Until I can show you what I'm up to, I'll keep putting the fluff up here.

1 comment:

  1. You got a really good eye, it's evident in the little pictures you put here, like the picture of your business cards or pamphlet.

    It's not just a boring picture of business cards, they're neat to look at in that picture. And the cards look pretty neat, too.

    If I didn't think the cards looked so good, miss, I would recommend, just handing out that picture of your business cards to people instead of handing out the actual cards.
