Thursday, January 28, 2010

Blogs would be so much cooler if you cared about the hidden semicolons

Without any images to show for it really, I have actually been very busy this week. Our Free Comic Book Day postcard is all set and ready to be sent to the printer and the main Captain Blue Hen site is being redone behind the scenes at our testing facility. I have also started playing with sliding page layouts at another test site and will hopefully have some wicked cool content for it soon if all goes well. In a few weeks I'll have some great materials for the site.
The next minor debate is whether or not to purchase a scanner. They have really come down in price so it wouldn't be a huge investment. Just something I'm contemplating.

Its January 28th. The blogs are being updated. The recipes are being tested. The graphics are being photoshoped. All is good so far. Hopefully, Ill sit down and kick out a tutorial tomorrow.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Photoshop Tutorial Fun

I love working through photoshop tutorials. I find them fun, mind numbing, and I love what I learn. Even if they are basic tutorials - like the images I have up today were from, just redoing the steps and practicing simple things I may have forgotten keeps you on your toes and gives you ideas of things you want to do in the future. These I made time to do this week, as I hope to keep making time to do in the future. Practice practice practice. Especially in the ever changing world of computers.

I know, brief post again, but I do have some projects coming up in a couple of weeks and have been working to maintain my other blogs as well so I hope to have more in depth stuff for you soon.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Blah - maybe its the weather.

Ive really not got much to say today. Im kinda stressing and annoyed, but I didn't want to fail on my new years resolution the first week of the year. Here are some doodles I did this week.