Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Keeping Busy While Listening to a Nerd-off

Vent is hilarious.

I have been busy working with a college all day trying to get the paperwork in order so I may be able to go back to school. Yeah! Debt! Other then that it was a pretty mellow day (which was quite nice) in which I worked on two fun images in photoshop and made a few changes to a clients project.
I love tutorials online! They keep me on my toes seeing new things, or even things I know, but from a new perspective. I must look at 4 or 5 sights daily that just post tutorials, trying a few out here and there. Thank the internet gods and kind people for making Adobe and web tutorials of all kinds possible.
Lucky for me my boyfriend is a nerd in denial who plays WoW all night. This leaves me lots of free time to fiddle with previously mentioned tutorials -or, on some nights, be a nerd in my own right.
I have also been making aprons lately in my free time. I completed one last month with a cute cherry pattern on black and this month I started what I am envisioning to be an adorable one with black and pinks. The problem to this is I don't own my own sewing machine, so I have to use a friends. I feel like a bad friend when I ask to hang out so I can sew. :( So I am considering asking Santa for a very VERY inexpensive sewing machine.
I really think the aprons I am making, and the ones I have planned out are quite cute. People asked if I would be selling any. Who knows? Maybe I'll have the design business, school, comic book store and aprons. LoL. That's a portfolio you don't see every day. And yes, I play Final Fantasy too. ;)
I have been making some new signs for around the shop. You know, the kind that direct people where to go. They aren't very exciting, but I loved this one, so I'm sharing it with you.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I have a new shiny external hard drive...

Here's to hoping I never really need it.

I've been slacking on the posts here, but I promise, I have been very busy in maintaining my other sites and getting new work together. Got some business cards out and into some new hands and I had a meeting with a new potential client last week and sent him comp images tonight. Since I can't show you that until I get a negative or positive feedback for it, I'll post some images of ad work I'm fiddling with. (Once I get a response from the new client, I'll fill you in >.<) On another note, outside of the creative aspect, I need to learn me some business skills, which is going to be the hard part of this whole package. I have to write kind of a makeshift business plan and start some other good business practices. Learning the business part is intimidatingng as the art part kind of comes naturally. This part I'm admittedly more clueless then I should be. I'm a fast learner though, so hopefully its not a big deal. I'm good with numbers, dealing with people, and the art part, but making it look good on paper (like real big girl businesses do) is a whole new world to me. Wish me luck - I'll be needing it.

P.S. If you don't see images on here frequently enough, check my portfolio page for newer items.