I have been busy working with a college all day trying to get the paperwork in order so I may be able to go back to school. Yeah! Debt! Other then that it was a pretty mellow day (which was quite nice) in which I worked on two fun images in photoshop and made a few changes to a clients project.
I love tutorials online! They keep me on my toes seeing new things, or even things I know, but from a new perspective. I must look at 4 or 5 sights daily that just post tutorials, trying a few out here and there. Thank the internet gods and kind people for making Adobe and web tutorials of all kinds possible.

Lucky for me my boyfriend is a nerd in denial who plays WoW all night. This leaves me lots of free time to fiddle with previously mentioned tutorials -or, on some nights, be a nerd in my own right.
I have also been making aprons lately in my free time. I completed one last month with a cute cherry pattern on black and this month I started what I am envisioning to be an adorable one with black and pinks. The problem to this is I don't own my own sewing machine, so I have to use a friends. I feel like a bad friend when I ask to hang out so I can sew. :( So I am considering asking Santa for a very VERY inexpensive sewing machine.
I really think the aprons I am making, and the ones I have planned out are quite cute. People asked if I would be selling any. Who knows? Maybe I'll have the design business, school, comic book store and aprons. LoL. That's a portfolio you don't see every day. And yes, I play Final Fantasy too. ;)
I have been making some new signs for around the shop. You know, the kind that direct people where to go. They aren't very exciting, but I loved this one, so I'm sharing it with you.