In trying to pretty up some code that I had originally fooled with last year when I decided that building web spaces could be fun, I got annoyed, and ended up ripping the whole thing down. I run a very small cooking blog that I don't update nearly enough, called Pass the Sushi. It is supposed to be all about cooking, but the fact is, I haven't been doing much of that as I'm currently back at my parents place and I really don't like using their kitchen. Kitchen's are a personal space, and it's not that they have any problem with me using theirs, it just doesn't always feel right dirtying other peoples things.

So, poor Pass the Sushi has been rather neglected. Hopefully soon, with a small kick of inspiration I will be updating on it more. In general, I'd really like to update all the stuff I work on a little bit more.
The original idea for Pass the Sushi was a bright colorful scheme that never really made it past the drawing boar

d. Then I started playing in wordpress, and it ended up as a semi vintage look in black with a dull teal text box and trim. The theme has never been about sushi (though someone gave me a great idea today for a sushi theme that I love and just need to figure out how to make happen).
Today's Pass the Sushi theme really has no background or reasoning, it was just a pretty concept and I ran with it. Hopefully, in the future I can work out that theme that someone mentioned to me today, and run with it. Pass the Sushi has always been kind of a test site any way....